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IRS to Target Tax Preparers Who’ve Failed to File their Own Returns

IRS to Target Tax Preparers Who’ve Failed to File their Own Returns

Our Tax Attorneys Explain The New Strategy IRS has for Tax Professionals

The IRS has announced a number of efforts recently to increase enforcement of tax compliance, and it has specifically said it will be going after high-earning tax filers, those who are trying to evade tax liability with micro-captive insurance schemes, and more. Democratic leaders have also proposed recently that the IRS get billions more dollars to increase enforcement.

Tax professional filing his owns returns with tips from Silver Law blog

Now, the IRS is announcing that it’s going to start going after the tax professionals who may be helping other people file their returns but who are not filing their own tax returns.

“The purpose of these contacts is to remind tax return preparers of their own tax filing and paying obligations and bring them into compliance,” the IRS said in a press release.

The tax preparers who are targeted will receive a letter letting them know that a revenue officer will reach out by telephone to discuss their case. During that conversation, the revenue officer will share information about the person’s tax obligation, how they can pay, and the consequences of failing to pay.

Tax preparers may feel like they know how to deal with this situation if it arises, but the truth is that even the tax professionals need a Chandler tax attorney to represent them in such scenarios. Tax attorneys know the law more intimately, and they can advise preparers about their options, as well as represent them in litigation.

Work Closely with a Tax Attorney

If you are a tax preparer who has been notified that the IRS is auditing you or is assessing penalties because you haven’t filed a return, consult with the Phoenix tax attorneys at Silver Law PLC to meet with an experienced tax lawyer and learn about your legal options. Our attorneys will pursue every legal option for your case, including negotiating with the IRS on your behalf, finding ways to reduce your tax liability, or representing you in litigation. Our tax attorneys all have experience working for the IRS, so they have a unique understanding about how these types of cases are handled. Call Silver Law, PLC today to schedule an appointment with a tax attorney and learn more about your options.

Arizona Location
7033 E. Greenway Pkwy, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Email: lchapman@silverlawplc.com
Website: taxcontroversy.com

Nevada Location
410 South Rampart Blvd, Suite 390
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

Office: 702-318-7130
Email: lchapman@silverlawplc.com
Website: taxcontroversy.com

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